Tuesday, January 13, 2015





Paul C. Woodward



CHAPTER 1 …………………..The Matrix Defined
CHAPTER 2 …………………..Something Must Be Understood 
CHAPTER 3…………………...The Battery
CHAPTER 4……………………Hard Wire
CHAPTER 5……………………The Two Pills
CHAPTER 6…………………….Keys And The Key Maker
CHAPTER 7…………………….Beyond The Machine
CHAPTER 8…………………….The Matrix System and the Subconscious Mind
CHAPTER 9…………………….The Subconscious Engineer of the Matrix
CHAPTER 10……………………Time Goes On and On
CHAPTER 11…………………….The Perfect World
CHAPTER 12…………………….The Spirit Searches All Things
CHAPTER 13……………………..Always Take a Door Handle With You
CHAPTER 14……………………..No Going Back
Proverbs 1:20 “Wisdom cries without; she utters her voice in the streets; she cries in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates; in the city she utters her words, saying, “How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?”
This is a very powerful Proverb written thousands of years ago by one of the wisest Kings of Israel, King Solomon.  In light of this Proverb I will like to share with you how wisdom does cry out in the concourse of life; in the case of this book, things that come to us via movies.  Many times the writers of these movies are unaware that Wisdom is using their plots, characters and scripts to let us know truth and knowledge.  We all will find one day that we will be without an excuse, if we have grabbed a box of pop-corn and engrossed ourselves in the latest movie to hit the big screen.
This is the first of many books that I plan to use to reveal this truth in movies coming out of Hollywood.  The first movie deals with the three part movie called, “The Matrix.”  Part one was called, “The Matrix,” part two was called, “The Matrix Reloaded,” with part three being called, “Revolutions.”  It is my hope that you the reader have viewed all three of these movies.  What I am about to share with you, spiritual insights I got from viewing them all over and over, what I will share would be better understood if you have viewed them all.  If not, you can still read what I have to offer, then later view the movies, seeing things you might not have seen if you didn’t at least read my insights. 
So, let’s get started by entering the matrix and its experience that so well fits what we are experiencing in our lives.  
                                                                                                         Paul C. Woodward
                                                                                                         August 23, 2009
 Let me begin by defining this word Matrix from the Dictionary:  “Something within which something else originates or develops; that which contains and gives shape or form to anything; the WOMB.   Intercellular substance; hence mold in which anything is cast or shaped, or that which encloses like a mold.
Strange how this definition is developed through out this movie and how it fits so well with Spiritual truth, which I will reveal comes out of the book, The Bible.  In the movie Morephous is asked the question by Neo, “What is the Matrix?”  What follows is his response which will be developed more in the chapters ahead:
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to Church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
  Other scenes in the movie explain it in this manner:
“What is real? How do you define real? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, than real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.”
    “You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world, you don’t know what it is but it’s there like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about?”
Neo’s response,”The Matrix?”
    “Have you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?”
These above quotes set the stage for what you are about to experience in the chapters ahead; the awaking to what is real and what is not real.  Be prepared for a shock.
I feel I must give an opening statement that will let you see where we are going in this book.  I recently received an e-mail from a friend with whom I had shared a ruff draft of the present book.  He sent me an e-mail he got from another individual that shared an exposé of an “anti-government” application of the movie of The Matrix.  I must say, “THIS IS NOT” the direction to which this book is going.  Our war is not with Flesh and Blood.  Our weapons are not “carnal”..even in the movie, Neo towards the end of the first movie sees that carnal weapons are a limited mindset.  He did not need to “dodge” bullets; there is a “better way.”   We are advocating a better way.  We are not becoming a “Waco” or Jim Jones front against the established government.  The Zealots of Jesus’ day attempted to draw Him into their carnal battle of fighting Rome.  We are not fighting Rome or Caesar.  There is a deeper perspective and application of this movie for us.  One that reaches to a battle in spiritual places, or unseen areas; areas that are more real than the areas of battle they are fighting.  The powers available to us transcend voting, writing our Senators and the like.  Theses are limited to say the least and I have never been lead to stress them.  I have always seen a “true” battle, which leads to the true victory.  Not religious in nature.  Not “just prayer”, as advocated by the religious world.  But a REAL SEEING and HEARING of something, as a German word puts it, Ganz anders , or “radically  other.”
What Is the Matrix? “You wanted to know what the matrix is, Neo? “You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo. This is the world as it exists today. Welcome to the desert of the real. “Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. “The human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120 volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. “There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. We are grown. For the longest time, I wouldn’t believe it. And then I saw the fields with my own eyes, watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth. “What is the Matrix?” “Control.” “The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this. Holds up a battery, “As long as the Matrix exists the human race will never be free.”
Morpheus describes the Matrix as Control, to the end that humans be used as a battery to fuel the machines.  How does this apply to us?  What spiritual implications can we draw from this?  This is going to be another long piece to drive home a point we all need to “See”.   Though I will attempt to teach this, it must become something we see in our everyday experience to be comprehended.

Let me begin with these thoughts that take us back to the very beginning, from a Biblical perspective.  It opens with Adam and Eve in a “Perfect world.”  Great power and responsibility is placed before them.  They begin their task.  Just how long this task was and what power they had is another subject I will reserve for another chapter.  For now, let us focus on the Lost of this power and how it became the source of power for “Another.”   Evil enters the picture using a symbol of craft and subtlety, the serpent; the usurper of power.   Why do I say this?  Evil had lost its power; it was given to another, namely Adam.  Had evil, had power, it could have been more direct in its attack, not just messing with Adam and Eve; it could have killed them both.  Yet it could not.  It uses under-handed tactic to gain back what it had lost, lest it be discovered what it was about to do; thus Adam and Eve would have used the power of KEEPING the garden and killed the intruder.  Its first level of attack was to divide and conquer.  It gets Eve alone, separate from Adam.  Its second Level of attack is to confuse the mind via questions and doubts; questions that only the two, Adam and Eve as one flesh, could have handled. 
Did Adam and Eve have Full power?  Or was there more power to be gained?  It’s my belief that they were given FULL POWER.  They had ENOUGH.   The only condition was to “Not act independent from the Lord in the use of this power.”  This is termed “SIN”.   “Whatever is not of faith is sin”; think with me for a moment.  Whenever we use the power given to us, and have not heard from the Father (faith), thus, whatever is not of faith, hearing from the Father, is sin, or acting independent from hearing from Him; whenever we use this power and don’t hear from Him, it diminishes.  (This point must be clearly seen to understand what is to be presented). It is said of Jesus Christ, the second Adam,  that the Spirit was given to Him “Without Measure.”  He was what Adam had been.  When His disciples questioned, at the calming of the sea and wind, “What manner of man is this?”, He was non-other then what they could have been if only the “LIE” were removed.  Peter proves this point; he was, for a brief moment, able to WALK ON WATER.  Peter, no matter what we have come to believe from our religious background,  Peter was “just a man”, and a fallen man at that.  Yet, understand, this so-called fallen man walked on water!!  Somewhere we have seen it wrong.  It called “THE LIE”.  The lie is a glitch in the matrix.  Remember in the movie where Neo saw the black cat twice, it was a Change in the matrix caused by the agents of the machine.  The original matrix is changed from God’s intent, to Another’s intent, independent from the Lord.  They saw themselves trapped in the building (Yet later on in the movie, Neo discovers that the LIE, (change), could be over-ridden.)  But at that point they lose power, and the agents appear to have the power.  Remember the statement, “THERE IS NO SPOON”.  This was a change in perspective that Neo learns to gain, and once he gains this perspective, he can over-ride the matrix, and has power, more power than the agents.  He discovers, he has had it all along, yet the LIE of the agents kept him and the team thinking they didn’t.  That is why all the others would run away from the agents in fear, FEAR OF A LIE. 
I must interject this point; the Oracle’s statement to Neo was in DARK SPEECH.  Not till Neo ENTER this darkness, or experience of that dark speech, did he gain the above-mentioned perspective.  Hidden in the darkness of the matrix is the LIGHT; light always shines out of darkness.  Why?  I will let a Word given me by a friend reveal the answer:    “Your anxiety will be over-ridden by the desire I have given you to expose the lie. In Me you have also found darkness. But I have not hidden it to those who know Me. The darkness I do not hate, for this, We grow through together. Only the lie do I hate. I Am the Truth.”
Moses, upon approaching the Mountain, had to pass through great darkness to get to the Light of the Burning Bush.  Fear of that darkness kept others AWAY.  Just the mention of Dark speech, keeps many away.  They want just the plain word and say things like, “Why can’t you guys just stick to the simple gospel!! You sound confusing!! I can’t understand what you are getting at!!”
Christ said, “These things are hidden because the Father has chosen to do so.”  God is shrouded in darkness.  We have dared to walk into that darkness, not without a price.  Others of our past have had to enter into this darkness to gain the light that they gained;  we continued this, WITHOUT FEAR.   I will close at this point; there is MORE to this matter to come.
Hard wire
This idea of a “hard wire” is mention over and over in the movie.  I puzzled as to its spiritual application.  I asked the Father to reveal what He saw, so one night, while talking to my son Eric, this came to light
The symbol of “Hard wiring” in the movie; they had a hard wire, telephone line, to the system.  Thus they were able to get in and out and get communications via the hard wire.  The symbol, spiritually speaking, is having contact with the Father.  Here is an example of what hard wiring is...You notice when they were hard wired, via the phone, the phone was not in some place of recognition.  (I like what Mary Fulum, an 80-year-old teacher at the Bible Institute Of New England, once taught me, something I have never forgot, “see interesting elements in common place happenings.”)

Their hard wire, line, phone, was found in common places to not draw attention; warehouses, subways, abandon buildings, phone booths, alleyways.  In the most unusual places is where you will hear the clearest from the Father.  It’s like you’re getting away from the hassle and bustle of life.  Now understand, hard wiring can also be in the mist of, like a subway.  Where there is a lot of noise.  So it depends on the individual; you go there and you know the hard wire is there and your surroundings don’t interfere, you can put it all out of your mind and listen.
My hard wire, places where I hear the Father the clearest, many times is on my job where I write many of my pocket notes.  If I need input as to what to do through the course of the day, planning for the future, that hard wire is there.  Yet now understand, there were times the Agents, in the movie, could cut the hard wire.  Remember that?  Or they could locate where they, the team, was getting input from and disrupt it.  I get this a lot of times on the job.  Something comes and disrupts that.  Phone calls, people, inmates coming up to me; a lot of things happen to disrupt that hard wire.  So, when you get that hard wire you can’t let anyone know where your hard wire is at.  (After I recorded this on my mini cassette tape, the next two days, my hard wire was shut down on my job; no pocket notes; “they” hear me saying this and shut it down.)   Like I am telling you now, I do not expect it on my job for a while (this came true).  I expect an attack on that place of a hard wire.  Yet understand the Holy Spirit only finds a new place; always steps ahead.
 At this recording, I had just taken a break from raking and mulching tree limbs in my yard, and these thoughts came.  So I grabbed my cassette player and got these thoughts down.   So, “NOW” is the moment.  Now evil didn’t expect this, this new place or hard wire of raking leaves, communication from the Father to me.  This is my moment of “hard wire.”
So, this matter of a hard wire came out more after I sat and talked to Eric before he went to work.  It is never to our advantage (they are listening), though it does help us, and saves us, this hard wire.  It gets us in and it gets us out.  If we need information as to how to get about in this world, He can give us input from “the outside.”  Remember in the movie, Tank gave them instructions of “go right, no, your other left.”  They were going through a building, and Tank from outside the Matrix, directed them; “he saw A WAY OUT.”  The disadvantage is as I said, “they are forever listening” attempting to find out you next move, which must be acted on quickly.  The element of surprise must be to your advantage; your constantly being a step ahead of them.
Now understand, the system can also put blocks in the Matrix.  It also can hard wire into the system.  It knows you are there, and it blocks your way.  BUT you can over ride that; the Father has a way of escape.  Just ASK, and expect it!!
Also I got talking to Eric about this thing of the little boy in the movie bending the spoon.  Neo says to him, “how do you do that?”  He replied, “I don’t;  the spoon doesn’t bend.” Neo replied, “yea, sure, the spoon doesn’t bend.  The little boy replies, “the spoon doesn’t bend, THE MIND BENDS.”  So I told Eric, “we have to BEND to a HIGHER WILL;  a Higher Authority, a Higher Knowledge; and when we do that, the spoon bends.”

 So, God can change things in the system, but we have to BEND our minds to the Higher thing then looking at, say, what we call solid matter, “IT DOESN’T MATTER”; looking where it does matter.  When we think of the spoon and try to bend it with our mind, we can’t do it.  It’s the mind that bends; when the mind bends, the spoon bends, when the mind changes to a higher authority, in our case the Holy Spirit, things around you will change.  I have been putting it into little experiments in my every day life, and I have seen it work.  I won’t go into detail for that reason, it is only experimental.  Remind me later to share “Faith, Our Servant” something I got later on this.  As I attempt to make these notes, it is as though something else knows, and tries to distract me via a phone call a minute ago from a telemarketer.  Then later I am trying to find my place on the cassette player and the phone rings again. 
I see now that I have got to have the channel always open and a pin/pencil or mini cassette player available to take the notes or listen.  Learn to listen!! Expect it!!  Soon, we will get past the need of written notes and tapes, thinking alone the lines that a friend once introduced to me called Morphic Resonance.  It was a natural occurrence, yet given spiritual application, is true.  The natural side to this was seen in an experiment with monkeys on two islands.  Sweet potatoes were placed on the beach of both islands to study their behavior.  One little monkey came out, picked up the sweet potato, washed it off in the salty water, thus cleaning it of the grit and giving it a better palatable taste.  It wasn’t long that the other monkeys were doing the same thing.  Yet, a strange thing happens; on the other island, without their being able to communicate this to the monkeys of that island, they abruptly starting doing the same thing.  Now if this is possible with this lower creating, it definitely is possible with a higher creation, which I believe have lost this ability, or are unaware of its possibility; I believe that it does occur and have seen it.  I have friends who study spiritual matter with me and we have seen where when one learns a matter the other picks it up without verbal or written communications.
I know there are those in this New Age movement saying the same thing calling it the “collective mind.”  I will address this later in another book, where I do not agree with their views of this.  There definitely is a “world” collective mind, called in scriptures the spirit of this age, which is evil.  What I have seen and will share later, is a “True Spiritual collective mind,” those in the Holy Spirit.  It’s been called “the mind of Christ.”  Paul begged us to be like-minded.  You can see why one could learn from the Holy Spirit, and at the same time another would learn at the same time, in what might be called a
Secure Spiritual Channel.  This is the goal, but for now, we need to take the notes and share what we have heard to one another. New and Better ways are coming “There is MORE BEYOND.”
While reflecting on this matter of the two pills, I got the thought, “Look up the meanings behind the two colors of the two pills in the movie The Matrix.”  A friend of mine, Dr. Morgan, in the past introduced me to the book by Luscher called COLOR TEST.  This book goes into great detail of the effect and meaning behind colors and their relationship to our lives and why we chose to favor certain colors and what it says about us.  Without going into this to deep, it is interesting to see the meaning for the “blue” and the “Red” pill offered to Neo in the movie by Morpheus.  Here are a few notes I gathered out of that book on the color blue first:
 “The dark-blue of the test represents complete calm. Contemplation of this color has a pacifying effect on the central nervous system.  Blood pressure, pulse and respiration rate are all reduced, while “SELF-PROTECTION MECHANISMS” work to “RECHARGE” the organism.  (Remember in the movie the machines did not want to awake the humans in their pods.  The blue pill would keep the human calm, protected, keeping the “organism protected and CHARGED.”  The machines treated us humans as “batteries.”  We had managed to block the machines solar sources for energy, the machine to fight back, saw that the human body was just like a storage battery, so started harvesting humans for their energy source.)

Amazing!!!  This color, blue, speaks to this very thing.  The symbol in the movie follows through.  You see why Cypher, the character in the movie who betrays the team, commented, “why, oh why, didn’t I take the blue pill?”   He missed the calm and “unreal” existence he had before taking the Red pill.   Now listen to how much to the opposite the red pill is to the blue pill.  Here are some notes on the color red:
“The red of the test, with its admixture of yellow giving it an orange hue, represents an “ENERGY-EXPENDING” physiological condition.  It SPEEDS UP the pulse; a raise blood pressure and increases the respiration rate; Red is the expression of “VITAL FORCE” of nervous and glandular activity, and so it has the meaning of “DESIRE” and of all forms of appetite and craving.  Red is the urge to achieve results, TO WIN SUCCESS; it is hungrily to desire all those things which offer INTENSITY OF “LIVING” and fullness of EXPERIENCE;  Red is impulse, THE WILL-TO-WIN, and all forms of vitality and power from sexual potency to REVOLUTIONARY TRANSFORMATION.”
There is so much more to be said of both colors, but this gives the basic opposites.  You can see the importance in the choice in the movie.  The blue would send one back into his calm complacent sleep, and unreality.  Where as the Red would stir one to deliverance and freedom (Note;  the final movie of the Matrix is call “The Revolution”.)   Mankind gains the WILL TO WIN, “take the red pill!!!”  (If you can get the book, there is so much more on these two colors; also re-watch the movie after reading these notesY. the Spirit will bring the Movie ALIVE!!

Without going into too much about the movie, The Matrix, where the Key Maker assisted Neo in gaining access to the doors that lead to the Matrix Maker, let me take off on this idea and share with you what I have been doing over the years long before I got the words needed to explain what I now offer to you from this movie.
As I have said, from time to time, how I was lead over my life to develop my vocabulary because one day it would be needed to explain to others what the Spirit would teach me.  I can remember reading some of the strangest books and not understanding a word I read.  I found that it wasn’t important, only that I read and look up certain words that STOOD OUT.
Later on, beyond just a dictionary definition of those words, the Spirit began to give new definition to some of these words.  I have been told that these would be KEYS that would unlock doors to that unseen.  I was told that each of us have our own unique set of KEYS especially designed for who we were and what we would need, to excess doors in this experience as we would have need of them.  Some of the keys would be shared by all.  For example, at my place of work, a Prison, there is what they call a 100 key that unlocks many of the doors throughout the prison.  Yet in the unit I run, I have special keys that only operate my unit.  No one else can use them.
I can’t share to you KEYS that have worked for who I am.  They may not work for you.  I know of others who have tried to use these keys only to find they didn’t work for them; that’s OK, they weren’t suppose to.  Now there are keys that I have shared that have worked for others.  They are common keys for all.  You kind of see this in a round about way in the scripture text..."There is no temptation that has taken you that isn’t COMMON TO ALL.....but I have prepared an ESCAPE (Key).”    This one key is to a door that allows you to ENDURE a trial.  We have called it out secret place in our minds, our heart, whatever.  It does what we want...”IF”....we use the key and unlock that door at those moments.
I will give some examples which I have shared in other writings.  Many times I do not say they are KEYS.  I just incorporate them in the article.  I will pull a few of them and let you see the circumstance which surrounds the MAKING of these keys.   Yes, I said the keys are made, by the KEY MAKER, the Holy Spirit, in those unique moments.  CUT to your own need to your HOUSE (existence, experience, intent of your being here).
The first is the word HOW.  I had asked one day about a situation I was caught up in and was attempting to figure it out.  Well, needless to say I ended up in frustration and so ask..”How am I going to solve this problem?”  Here was the response:
“How are you?”
My reply, “Well, at this moment not to good.”
Again the reply came, “How are you?”
Being a little irritated, I snapped back, “Why do you keep asking me how I am when you know how I’m feeling? I just told you how I feel.”

Well, I got a lesson that day in gaining the keys I would need.  The circumstance was cutting the key; many cuts on this key of HOW ARE YOU.  Imagine it in your mind if you can.  As the Key Maker started cutting, He spoke......(see picture below)
HOW.....His, Own, Way.
ARE....(something rather long shared in the past to me included in a NEW cut of this key)...
Acknowledge, Remind, Establish. (I develop this in my book, “Rights of the Unfallen Adam” this matter of the ARE FACTOR)
YOU...Yoke, Of, Understanding.   (Again, I’ve shared this in another writings).
I now carry this key with me and use it when reminded to do so.  How does He remind me?  Simple....”How are you?”  This TRIGGERS too much to share here.  It works for me and unlocks needed doors.  Not just one, but many.
The next key was PAIN:   I had some reoccurring pains that would not stop.  Like an alarm early in the morning....you keep shutting it off and it keeps sounding till you AWAKE.
Well this day I awoke to find the Key Make once again at work.  He spoke as the Key was being made.  PAIN
Pain’s, Alarm, Initiates, Newness; (I have shared this also at length in other writings)....Once I came to understand the unique alarm system in our body and its purpose, this KEY unlocked the door to relief me of that pain and many others.  This is one of those keys that will work for any one if used.  Once again, in those moments of pain, I am reminded to use the key....the physical pain is the alarm sounding.  It kind of goes like this, and is many times linked to the other keys. (In my prison situation, without trying to explain this too much, there are two key to a cell door.  One is to key lock a door the other is to Over ride that locking devise when it is electronically locked.  Kind of like Binding and Loosening as the scripture says these key would do.  Let me run this out as I use these two keys.)
On going conversation: Spirit.....”How are you?”
My reply, “I’m in PAIN.”  This triggers the whole remaining conversation; then I think this way /...”Pains alarm is sounding and wants to initiate newness.  This newness will be done in His own way.  Thank you for this yoke of understanding.”  I then take the key and unlock the door and get what I need; renewal and pain relieved.  “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me”....(you know the rest of the verse and hopefully understand what I just said.)
This is a current key that came the other night.
This experience and its purpose, as I have said in another writings, “We are LIVING Expressions of the Expansion of the Beloved.”  That living expression is from whence we came now being expressed in this experience.  As Paul said, “Stop putting on the expression which isn’t coming from within and is truly presented as to who you are. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (a new mind set).” 
If there was ever to be a paradigm shift in our lives, this is that shift.  Paul experienced it and could no longer conform to what the world around him demanded for acceptance.  That world, as this world today, demanded credentials.   Paul threw them all away.  Why? He wanted to gain that which he was apprehended of; a New Creation and to know Him and the Power of this resurrection, this awakening, to a New Being with New Power and a New Reality.  The cost has its pains but the sufferings of this life can not be compared to the Glory that is reveal IN US....Christ in us.
I hope this gives you some idea of what I mean by my saying that the Holy Spirit is the Key
Maker.  (Below are a few Keys I have been given)

This quote comes from Dr. Francis Schaffer....think of it in light of The Matrix: “In this setting of a significant history, the Bible says that God made man in a special way, in His Own Image. If I do not understand that man’s basic relationship is upward, I must try to find it downward. In relating it downward, a person is very old-fashioned today if he finally relates himself to the animals. Today modern man seeks to relate himself to the machine. But the Bible says that my line of reference need not lead downward. It is upward because I have been made in God’s image. Man is not a machine. “Escape From Reason” by Francis Schaeffer
In the movie the attempt was to expose the "Unreal World" and unveil the "Real World." We have the same task, as Paul said, "To cause all men to see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God”.......so before the world system came into play, that system that blinds us to a greater reality, there was the Ultimate INTENT of the Father. "To the INTENT that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be KNOWN by the church the manifold wisdom of God." We are the TEAM, as in the movie, that was set free from this system, and to TEACH principalities and powers the purpose and plan of the Father in creating this matrix (system).....yes, as strange as it may sound, He created it to an END INTENT. Evil attempts to disrupt the Father's intent of it all. Romans 8:28...For the creation was MADE subjected to vanity (the Greek text..."UNREALITY). Why did He do this? ........"Not willingly, BUT by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in HOPE, (Hope unseen); a lesson in "The opposites"......something to which we could compare. Before all that has occurred, the problem and need for a solution, if the Father had said to Adam, "Isn't this GOOD!!". Adam would have had no idea of what He was talking about....nothing to compare. A system was made, to teach the opposite, yet providing an escape less mankind becomes trapped in the opposite, THE SHADOW. The problem came with Evil attempted to BLOCK this escape, and establish, that which was only to be temporary, calling what was unreal, real. (Look NOT upon the things seen, for the things seen are temporary, but look upon those things not seen, for these are eternal (True Reality). The second movie, The Matrix Reloaded, brings this fact out.... the end intent of the matrix. Consider this as a Parable, by the Grace of the Father, to keep hidden from the wise of this age, yet revealed to spirit lead individuals. As friend of mine once said, "IF God can't get the steeple box to see truth, He will go outside the steeple box (Institutional religion), and reveal what He wishes to convey through secular sources, many times unaware to them. It is for us, by the Spirit, to SEE what the Father is saying. This movie is such an example. Those with the Bible and those without the Bible will one day be without an excuse, simply because they watched this movie, which does speak to the truth of this unreality and the reality of the eternal realm.  May we learn as Neo learned, “Wake up Neo;” wake up looking beyond this world of living machines and discover THE REAL WORLD.
The matrix system is in the area of the subconscious mind.  The conscious mind is asleep.   What is programmed is unaware to the conscious mind but only to the subconscious.  The team must awake those sleeping to the conscious fact that a "subconscious" program is running their lives.  WHAT ABOUT US?
Relating this to our situation, not the movie
"Train up a child (any one) in the way they should go, and when older, they shall not depart from that way."
The mind always reverts back to that which learned...subconscious program.  That is why body exercise "profits little".  If the mind is not renewed, any habit conquered will return; the body being reverted back to old patterns and habits.
I must say at this point...we are not leaning towards meditation or subliminal tapes, or holistic health teachings.  This will be beyond this.  Shift gears with me.  Taking the latter part of the verse briefly mentioned, "...but godiness is profitable in THIS LIFE, and THE LIFE TO COME."

I have to stop and define this word, "godliness", or else the point I am driving at won't be accomplished.  Again, I am assuming you the reader have a computed idea of this word to mean “behavior.”  This is not the case...follow this:  "Great is the Mystery of godliness.." mystery meaning something hidden, yet to be revealed.  First, godliness is not the by product of any action or thought on our part.  It "hinges" on the word "intuition".  Intuition is that which is acquired apart from any external prompting.  Comes from beyond what eye could have seen or ear heard.  Only till it is revealed is it known and still not all can receive it.  One must be "renewed" or prepared for its reception.
Now, in light of this in reference to the movie The Matrix
"I beg you brethren, by the aforementioned mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,.....for THIS IS YOUR REASONABLE SERVICE."
In light of Neo's, Trinity and Morpheus' being programmed; for example, martial arts.  In the physical world, they exercised very little from what we see in the movie.  Their work out was via the simulated computer generated, program rooms.  Think on a reply by Morpheus to Neo's question, "If we die in the matrix, do we die here? (Meaning in the ship, the real world).  Morpheus replies, "The body can not live without the mind."

What am I getting at?  Well, here is where I am going with this..."Is it possible, without any physical action on our part, to exercise our bodies via the mind?" Something like losing weight, for example, by the use of the mind alone...think ourselves thin.  We know we can think ourselves sick, and some have written on this matter as to thinking ourselves to health.  Is it a matter of programming?  Think in light of the verse mentioned earlier, "Body exercise profits little, but godliness (God re-programming the mind) is profitable in this life and the life to come."  I’ll let the movie explain.
Morpheus' error...
Tank has just finished Neo's training.  Neo is plugged into the computer’s simulated program system and rapidly gains Kung fu etc.  Morpheus asks him, "How is he doing/?"  Tank replies, "He is like a sponge."  Neo awakes and says, "I know kung fu!" Now here is where Morpheus makes his error.  "Lets see", replies Morpheus.  Then he and Neo plug into a computer exercise room.  WHY?  Why didn't he stay in the ship and see if what Neo knew, gained via the mind through programming, worked in the real world?
Note!  In the second movie Neo discovers this truth through an intuitive feeling, "Something is different", he says. 

Then in the conscious, physical world uses that not only learned via the programming, like kung fu, BUT also goes BEYOND the programming and acts upon this thing of intuition which transcends knowledge possessed to something higher.  He does not resort to "carnal weapons" or carnal actions on his part, but REACHES beyond it all to a higher power, and by the simple raising of his hand destroys the machines coming to kill him.
Godliness reaches beyond the conscious and subconscious life, for it comes from ...."the life to come."  That is why, as I mentioned earlier, it is beyond the holistic health, meditation etc. teachings.  The best way to describe it is to us an old German addage..."Ganz Adler"....which means "Wholly Other."  To end this piece, let me put it in this simple phrase:
"There is that which can be learned and acted upon, which reaches beyond conscious and subconscious mind.  It’s to this end this article is written."  This is godliness! This is what we all need today; something only God can, and does offer, beyond anything the world may think to give.  In another work called, “Rights of the Unfallen Adam,” this is developed in greater depth.  For myself, it is what keeps me alive today.  I may touch on this a little more in this book, but that book gives it completely.
 Up to this point the two movies deal with, as I have mentioned, the conscious and the subconscious mind.  In past studies I have come to know that we can get past this so-called SUBCONSCIOUS ENGINEER.  Though it is more powerful then the conscious mind, in that it can do what's fed to it and act upon it in greater depths, it of itself is limited and restricted by a higher authority, God Himself; so that we will not know..."The beginning from the end."
Agnes Sanford in her book, "The Healing Light", speaks of this subconscious engineer and shows how we can talk to it, but not independent from the Father.  We have always seen the way barred to the latent subconscious powers because the fallen nature of Adam in us.  Once we see this flaw in us, and Surrender, heart (subconscious) and soul, and body to the Father, then the subconscious engineer surrenders. (This is developed in another work I called, “Warnings of the Occult.”)  For example...the oracle in the movie is found out in the 2nd movie to be a computer program, not human, and of the matrix system.  So the question Neo asks is, "How can I trust you, you may just be another controlling factor in the Matrix system?" ("The heart is deceitful and sick, who can know it.”)

She replies, "You have to make a decision, and make up your own mind."
Now the Matrix Maker, later in the 2nd movie admits he created the Oracle.  Yet!!...he created it as an intuitional aspect of the Matrix.
I've done studies into this matter of intuition.  Watchman Nee does a great job defining it in his book, "The Spiritual Man." (free pdf file…read chapter five, “Intuition.” ) 
http://www3.telus.net/trbrooks/The_Spiritual_Man.pdf    I’ll give you what comes to mind from reading his comments:
It knows beyond sight/sound and human natural senses....beyond conscious mind.  It gets input from "OTHER" sources beyond the conscious input it receives from our external world via our senses.  It can "TURN AROUND" and look to a Higher Source then itself.
The subconscious mind in the past, picked up EVERYTHING, and once it retained these things, it could come up with "A MIX".  Hear that!!!  A Mix of thesis then anti-thesis then to synthesis, thus some new combination, without discrimination of whether what it produces is right or wrong.  It's own "Witches Brew"....sorcery in its true definition… releasing of the Latent Subconscious Power independent from the Father. 
The abilities of the subconscious are great to say the least, yet, there is something GREATER.  I don't advocate any of us going with the latent powers of the subconscious mind.  This is the main error of those in the so-called new age movement.  Where as the world denies this area of the mind, they advocate its use yet apart from the Father's leading.

"Cleanse your hands (conscious mind)...you sinner (those acting independent from the Father)...purify your hearts (subconscious mind)....you double minded (those using the subconscious via the conscious mind independent from the Father."
There are things in us we are unawares of...latent powers.  The temptation is to go in there and use them.  That is evil's trick.  It wants power, the latent power of the subconscious mind of mankind.  "Selling souls" as said in Revelation.  Accumulated power, beyond the machine (like Agent Smith in the movie...breaking out of the matrix system)....worshiping Raw naked "FORCE".
Agent Smith in the movie gets free of the Matrix machinery wanting to gain the power Neo is developing.  As Neo "flies" away, Agent Smith looks up at him with eyes of desire.
The powers God wants us to have will come in time, for His purposes and reasons.  Before that they were not needed or used and were not revealed, till such a time, remained dormant.  The door is now being opened.
We are not to conjure (summon by sorcery) these powers independent from God.  We will be instructed to where, when and how to use such power, (remember the Lord of the Rings). 
This is the reasoning behind the comments from Mel Tores book, "Like a Might Wind"....they were given instructions to the detail.  Any time they would deviate from these instructions, disaster would occur.

Think in light of this...."He gives the desire (this knowing something is different) then the power and ability to do that which is desired of HIM, to His PURPOSE.
Remember Agent Smith saying to Neo that he had gained something and that something was purpose:
1.  It is purpose that created us.
2.  It is purpose that connects us.       
3.  It is purpose that pulls us. 
4.  It is purpose that guides us.
5.  It is purpose that drives us.
6.  It is purpose that defines us.
7.  It is purpose that binds us.
.........."we are here (Agent Smith speaking)...to take from you, Neo, (and us) what you have taken from us...PURPOSE!!!
God's purpose out weights any purpose that this world or any agent of this world can conjure up.  Only He can give TRUE PURPOSE that created us, connects us, pulls us, guides us, drives us, defines us, and binds us.  We never end!! Yet this world has an end.  The next movie is called Revolutions.."everything that has a beginning has an end."   BUT WE NEVER END!!!  If you want to discover more on this, do a search of God’s word and underline everywhere it says, “For His Name Sake.”  Everything God’s does is for His Name sake; it gets beyond people, places and things.  I am at present putting this together and will have it out in a chapter in one of the other books I am writing.  Believe me, this cleared a lot of questions in my mind concerning the nature of God and why He does what he does.  Let me give you a hint – His Name sake is linked to His Promises, and in that He could not sware by anyone higher they Himself, He swore by an oath and promise to do many thing; because of this oath and promise For His Name Sake He must perform these promises or destroy Himself.  It’s a very interesting study. 
    CHAPTER 10
This thing of words many times gets filtered through grit screens we have established from our experience HERE.  So, as we read in written text words like "End" of time, or "Beginning of Time"....we naturally think "stop, or non existence, or start, which we think means wasn't there  before start.  Time will always be there...sorry to say.  Yet not time as we have established.  Think in light of the Movie The Matrix.  Here is some script to ponder:
 Morpheus continues, "Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life; that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
Note what Morpheus says...."you know something you can't explain."

What Neo knew was.."Something was wrong with the world".  Well, each of us here have this same splinter in our mind.  To name a few, one thing wrong is this thing of "TIME".   When the Father spoke, understand He spoke from outside our experience and from HIS experience.  He had to choose the best human languages, which we know as Hebrew and Greek, yet even these languages fall short of language known of the Father.  So, that is why I will not stop with just these languages, but rather look for NEW LANGUAGE, as I know I have mentions in another work called, “The Devil’s Scarecrow,” which develops our ability hear from God.  A new language is being developed as we speak here.  OLD words are dropped; this is why many give me the label of "New Age".  It makes me laugh...knowing I am 180 degrees to this.  Imagine Christ and the disciples and many of the new words they were introducing....the secular and religious world misunderstood them as anyone today who dares to express what the word of God is saying in Living Words today; which I am doing using this movie, The Matrix, for an example.  That is why I many times use rather long postings on forums on the web to give what I have been shown clarity.  Yet I also know as Christ knew, "though I explain these things in full, you will not understand."   Why couldn't they understand?  The same reason they can't understand today...carnal perceptions.
Well with that said, let me get about say what I want to say in this chapter.  Bilbo's song, in the Lord of the Rings is right on!!  The road was always there yet runs though this experience of ours, then leaves and continues.  We were on this road before this TIME, as we will be on this same road after this time experience.  I mentioned this in one of my other books, "there is only one road, one direction."   Key is..."though there are stops along this road, always GET BACK ON THE ROAD."  We are only passing through this Time experience and with a purpose.  The door is opened....opened to enter, and opened to leave.  Like entering and passing through a tunnel....light was before it and light is after it.  All we are doing in this life is "SEEING THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL".  And coming to understand the "LIGHT BEFORE THIS TUNNEL"...and experiences we had BEFORE THIS TUNNEL.   Yet note, the use of the word "end" and "begins" here does not say the tracks or road ends or begins at the tunnel..  The Father never meant an end or beginning as we perceive while here, eternal things never end or begin....they just ARE ....and GO ON and ON and ON.
Neo’s coming to realize, from the Matrix Maker, that he was only one among thousands of other Neo’s before him, helped him to grasp the light before his present tunnel experience and assured the light after this particular Matrix experience.  He saw the power of ENDLESS LIFE as it is written in Scriptures.  No beginning or end, no right or wrong, only life and death.  Though he would have to pass through this tunnel and its shadow of death, there was life before his and life after his, and his choice, though appearing wrong, passed from death to life for all in Zion.  Amazing!
In the Movie, The Matrix, in one scene Agent Smith is describing the first matrix world used to play out to those caught in it.  It was designed to be a perfect world.  He said that this perfect world was a failure because people kept waking up from their induced sleep in their pods.  The reason was discovered later by the machines, that created the matrix, that the human mind was make to live in a world of suffering and pain and thus in the perfect world they kept waking up trying to find this suffering and pain which was not in this first created perfect world. I have seen this movie many times before, but this night these comments hit home.  Let me attempt to share what it was that I saw.
Think in light of this comment make by Jesus....”Be perfect, even as your Father is perfect.”
In Eden, there was no suffering and pain, correct?   Most would say correct.  We were taught that it came after the fall.  With that in mind, here is another thought to reflect on...”From Whence Adam left....”  Got this so far?  All these thoughts came in a flash in light of the above Matrix scene along with others.  I had to share these above thoughts so you could get what will now follow.
Now to what I saw; what keeps us trapped here in this experience?  “THE CARES AND AFFAIRS....the Suffering and Pain”.  The very same thing that the machines in this movie saw as a needed thing to keep people asleep to the TRUE REALITY, thus engrossed in the created matrix world.  The PERFECT world would have waked then up.  See it this way; they were to be changing beings in a changing world.  They, being changing beings, could not fit in an unchanging, perfect world.
The PRIMITIVE MIND was discovered by the machines to be the problem with humans.  The Primitive mind was patterned to pain and suffering.  So, it could not accept a Perfect world.  So the machine adapted the matrix to the human primitive mind.  People stayed in that world and did not wake up.  But there were those who would seek the Perfect world, thus wake up, and then seek to rescue others from this matrix world geared to the human primitive world because of what Morpheus called a “splinter” in their mind. (Something I will deal with more in another chapter).  These were hunted down, rejected, seen as those who would disrupt the matrix.  Agents were sent by the machines to stop this.  Yet, one agent in particular, Agent Smith had a totally different idea that conflicted even with the machines and human beings; he sought to not only destroy humans but also the machines...everything. 
Think with me for a moment and maybe this will become clearer.  The average person spends more time focusing on suffering and pain, right and wrong, good and evil.  Just sit and watch a few hours of TV and you get the picture.  They are engrossed in it.  Any hope of a perfect world is always over ridden by this constant focusing on the non-perfect.   To get away from it is a real task.  You find yourself surrounded by it all.  To think anything to the contrary, you are seen as odd.  And you get, “You aren’t real, this is the way that it is and always has been; you aren’t going to create a perfect world here, no one is perfect! Etc. “  Then you have Utopian dreamers going to the other extreme thinking they can create a perfect world in a world not designed for perfection.  Again, something I will bring out more in another chapter.
I believe the confusion comes in the use of the word PERFECT.  Not necessarily the definition of the word but rather more on the lines of what this movie was trying to say. 
In the movie, when they did wake up, (here is where the movie breaks down and you have to reach beyond the movie to see what I saw) in the movie, when they woke up and left the matrix, they did not enter into a perfect world.  It too had pain and suffering.  It was only a MORE REAL expression of the PRIMITIVE MIND OF MEN.   The machines in the matrix only used it for its survival...using the pods as energy packs....sleeping humans in pods linked to the  matrix world which was geared to the pleasing of their primitive minds....fallen minds, the fallen minds of the cursed Adam.
Now what is meant by the Primitive Mind?  We see it in the matrix as well as in Zion, the city underground.  It is my believe, beyond this movie and Hollywood, that the original habitat of humanity was only perfect in that Adam & Eve, if they had stayed in contact with the TRUE source of power, could have dealt with any situation that would have arrived in their perfect world of Eden.  In the word commanded to them, “KEEP” the garden, it speaks this very thing.  Even evil, itself, was allowed in this “perfect” garden.  It only became imperfect when, by underhanded craft of questioning what God had said, Evil got them to cut themselves off from the true source of Power, God, and to start “acting independent” (sin) from God.  They then were unable to deal with what was ahead of them, and now had only “limited” power; power that would “run-out” thus bringing in DEATH.
You see Adam and his generation living rather long lives; Adam living to be 930 years.  Beyond Adam’s world, into the day after the Biblical World flood, you can trace how humanity began to die sooner and sooner till you reach King David who lived to be 70 years of age.  I have addressed this matter at greater length in my Book, “Rights of the Unfallen Adam.”  What I shared here gives you at least the understanding of what a Perfect world was meant to be, only a place to exercise the Rights of an Unfallen Adam.  After their fall they were thrown into a world which only Adam and his generation experienced; a world to the EXTREME, barren which doesn’t say it strong enough.  Remember, Adam and his generation was far superior to us today; we would be considered a hot house breed of Adam in comparison.  Because of their superiority, that fallen world was to the Extreme.  How do I know this?  After the World Flood, Noah is told that his world would be relieved of the Curse on Adam’s generation.  It was even predicted of him to be such.  Seasons, for one, returned that Adam did not know; along with winds and rain; which Adam’s generation also never knew.  There is more to this matter that will come out later, but for now I hope you get the gist of what I saw that night watching The Matrix.

    CHAPTER 12
"He the Spirit searches "ALL" things, even the deep things of God." The opening scene of the movie: “Wake up Neo!” It is time we woke out of sleep. This is repeated time and time again though out the written word. To see or feel that there is more beyond our natural experiences and more than meets the eye, is to say that we are at least being stirred. The next statement was “Follow the white Rabbit”. Lot of meaning to this; let’s start some comparative symbols notes here and add as they come:
1. Follow the white rabbit: Revelation for direction. “Seeing interesting elements in commonplace happenings;” it is called an “implanted word”.  Learning to follow to the best of our knowing as it increases. James 1:21 “receive with meekness the engrafted (implanted) word, which is able to save your souls.”
 2. Wake up Neo: The command to wake up out of this sleep. The sleep this reality has placed us in to hide from our eyes the “true Reality”. Romans 13:11..”And that, knowing the time, that now it is time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand; let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the Armor of light.”
 3. The melting mirror: The over shadowing reflection that attempts to kill us and keep the true reality from occurring. I Cor. 13:12 For now we see through a glass (mirror), darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
4. The Oracle: Acts 7:38 “This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers; who received the LIVING ORACLES to give unto us; To whom our fathers would NOT obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt.”

You can get the audio down loads of these quotes from the Matrix at the following URL http://www.moviesounds.com/matrix.html It is spine chilling. Whoever wrote the script may or may not have known the truth he/she has touched upon. Here is some transcript from the movie:
Neo: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world... without you. A world without rules and controls. Without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there, is a choice I leave to you.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window. Or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work. When you go to Church. When you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Cypher: Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?
Morpheus: How did I beat you? Neo: You're too fast. Morpheus: Do you believe that, my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? You think that's air you're breathing now?
 Morpheus: As long as the Matrix exists, the human race will never be free Morpheus: You take the blue pill, the story ends... you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be... told what the Matrix is... you have to see it for yourself. "What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." "You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world, you don't know what it is but it's there like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?" "The Matrix?" "Have you ever had a dream Neo that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?" "What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?" "No Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to. You believe it is the year 1999 when in fact it's closer to 2199. I can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know. There's nothing I can say that will explain it for you Neo. Come with me and see for yourself."_________________
In the movie, the Matrix, the Key maker had keys that granted excess to the many doors that the Agents, good and evil, could go in and out of.  Neo and his team learn to use these keys to get to the source or what is called “The Matrix Maker.”  At times getting into some of these door appeared easy; the trick was learning how to get out. 
I found this article which gave an author as “unknown.”  It has application to this movie, so I have added it to this book.  Here is that article and the insights I got off of it.
Always Take A Door Handle With You (Author Unknown)
On my visit to the Bulgarian War College, I needed to visit the men’s room. This was, once, one of the grandest buildings in Sofia. Now, most hallways have no electricity, or at least no bulbs. This late afternoon, the commandant led me through the dark passageways, down stairs and eventually to the men’s room. A small bulb that had been brought from home lighted the men’s room. I grabbed the toiled door handle, opened the door, went in the stall, the door shut, and I stared at the closed toilet door. There was no inside door handle! Beside the non-flushing toilet, I had to climb out of the stall, up over a 3-meter dirty stucco wall to escape, in my suit and tie. A thought hit me afterwards, like a piece of Bulgarian granite. If you want to get out of the box that your mind is locked in, always have a door handle with you. There are no door handles inside the box, in which our thinking gets trapped. Maybe you should also have a duct tape, and toilet paper.  (Author unknown)

Question:   What is the door handle?   This is what I asked myself after reading this piece by an unknown author and not knowing what he would had considered the door handle.  So, after some reflection I thought, “If Christ is the door, what is the door handle that opens the door, the door being Christ?”  Let’s take a look at a door handle.  It turns left or right, up or down, depending on the type of door handles which we use, for there are many unique types on the market. But here we are looking for a “very unique” door handle to say the least.  One of a kind, like none we have ever seen before.  Now “think” out of the box.   It would only turn ONE WAY.  Not up or down or left or right.  How about push and pull?   One must push the handle in to get “in”.   Then to get out, one would again push “in” to get out.  Everything ends up “IN”.   How did we get ourselves “in” the mess we got ourselves into in the first place?  We were outside of the mess we got ourselves IN to, then we pushed In and there we were ”In trouble.”   Now how do we get OUT?  
Have I got you confused?  Well, let’s “Think outside the box.”   You push in again and you are out.   Somewhere IN-side we got ourselves in to problems, push In again and you find Out your problem.  Where is the door handle?; IN YOU.  God put it there before the foundations of the world; no sense turning left or right, it isn’t there; nor looking up or down, its not there neither.  Think with me now; “do we have to dig Christ up to hear from Him?   Or, should we call He down, to hear from Him?  If someone says He is to our right, and then another says He is to our left, should we seek Him there?   NO HE IS “IN” you.  He is the door to be sure; He LEFT YOU THE DOOR HANDLE. Check out the famous picture of Christ knocking at the door.  There is NO DOOR HANDLE on the outside of the door.  So where is it?; on your side of the door.   PUSH IT “IN” and you are out of here and IN THERE with HIM.   He is near you, even in your mouth. 
  Note these quotes from “Lord of the Rings” in comparison to those expressed in the movie “The Matrix”.......
“How do you pick up the threads of an old life?  How do you go on?  When in your heart you understand......”there is no going back.”  There are some things that time cannot mend.  Some hurts that go to deep that have taken hold.”   (Quote from “Lord of the Rings”)
Home is behind, the world ahead.  And there are many paths to tread; through shadow, to the edge of night.  Until the stars are all alight.  Mist and shadow, cloud and shade; all shall fade, all shall fade.  (Song from “Lord of the Rings”).
“You take the BLUE PILL and this story ends and you wake up in your bed and believe what ever you want to believe.  You take the RED PILL and you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.” (Quote from, “The Matrix”)
I at this point must express a WARNING.  Once you come to see what shall be expressed in this thread, there is no going back.  It was Cipher who expressed regret in the movie for choosing the Red Pill....”Why oh why, didn’t I take the Blue Pill?”  He later in the movie becomes our modern day Judas and betrays the team and seeks to be re-plugged back into the illusion of the Matrix feeling it was better to live in an illusion, enjoying its pleasures, than facing the truth of the Real World. 
I have addressed this matter of a “Perfect World” in a previous chapter.   In Light of this, Cipher’s action choosing the Matrix over the Real world, really doesn’t make sense when you consider, as Agent Smith later brings out in the movies, how the “First Matrix World, that the Matrix Maker created, was a Perfect World.  Yet it proved to me a failure in that those asleep in their pod kept waking up.  It appeared to the Matrix Maker, that the Primitive Minds of humans wanted an imperfect world; a world of ups and downs, good times and bad times. 
Think of this in light of our present experience beyond this movie.  A perfect world would be a boring world.  No challenges, no struggles.  We seem to be created to this end.  As I brought out, the only difference between the world we are living in, its condition imposed up us from the fall of Adam, compared to the condition of the world before Adam’s fall, is that in the Un-fallen world, Adam had contact with an endless source of power coming from the creator of his world to which gave him the ability to deal with any situation that might arise in this world.  Whereas after his fall, this power was cut off by his own choices believing the lie that he did not need this contact, that he of himself could run his world.  Not unlike Adam and Eve being deceived by the serpent, Cipher falls victim of Agent Smith’s lie and promise to place him once again back into the illusion from where he was delivered.   Remember what I said of Israel’s being delivered from Egypt and their wanting to go back, not wanting the promises that God was offering them through Moses.  In this matter of a Perfect World, I used this illustration along with others.  But remember, the first vision of a Promised land given to Abraham, was not a Kingdom Made by the Hands of Men, but reached BEYOND the seen into the Unseen, the True Reality.   We read in Hebrews 11 this comment that adds to this idea of NO GOING BACK; in Hebrews 11:13-15 All these people were still living by faith when they died.  They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance.  And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.  People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.  If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to RETURN.  Instead, they were longing for a BETTER country – a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.”
We know that they WERE NOT looking at a city they had left; they could have gone back to this if that was what they were talking about.  We also see that they never got to see what was promised to Abraham later on, which was a physical Kingdom, called the Promised Land.  But what they, and Abraham did admit was that they felt like aliens and strangers ON EARTH, no matter what Kingdom was in their past or future.  But they did admit that they WERE LOOKING FOR A BETTER COUNTRY, yet is “A Heavenly one.”  It is to these of “this mind set” that God is not ashamed to be called their God.  Why would He feel ashamed of those not of this mind set?  Think for a moment; if I could offer you a better place to live, as good as you might have it; the place I was offering was far better than anything you presently had.  Yet you flatly turn it down thinking what you had was better, how do you think I, or you in my shoes, might feel?  We might think, “What? Are you stupid or what?”  Well, on the part of those rejecting this “better place”, maybe they didn’t believe you; or thought you didn’t have the ability to be offering something better then you had accomplished.  Or they might “like” the area they are living in etc.  Now understand, this offer is off the scale, beyond your wildest imagination.  Something that there would be no comparison to; something beyond what you could have ever asked or thought.  Now how about this person was a family member, would you feel ashamed that you had such an idiot as a family member?
Taking this a step further; what if they at first accepted your offer, yet later decide to move back to their old place?  I think you catch my drift.  You might be this person or you might know such a person.
Now think of the mind set today of not only the secular world but of many in the religious world; what is their mind set; or what is YOUR MIND SET?  You know the answer; it is either one of returning to what we call “home,” whether we still live there, or have moved thus desiring to return to visit; or call a town, country our home.  We don’t really see anything better; that is unless you live in a poor third world country and are looking for a better place to live.  Maybe what God is offering might also appeal more to you then if you were Americanized.  I believe I have said enough to get us to realize that in truth, what God has to offer passes anything this world or what you think you have; really seeing what God has to offer, there would be no going back.




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